In an effort to modernize communications, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) decided to allow cable operators to deliver general subscriber notices required under so-called Subpart T rules (47 CFR §§ 76.1601 et seq.) to verified customer email addresses. This decision was announced through a Report and Order on November 15, 2018. This update is part of the greater trend towards using electronic communications and electronic contracting to replace paper as supported by the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (“E-Sign Act”) and related state laws. The E-Sign Act allows electronic records to satisfy legal requirements that certain information to be provided in writing if the consumer has affirmatively consented to such use. However, the E-Sign Act allows federal agencies like the FCC to exempt a specified category or type of record from the normally required consent requirements if it makes the agency’s requirements less burdensome and does not harm consumers. In this case, based on an understanding that it would be impractical for cable operators to attempt to receive permission from each individual customer prior to initiating electronic delivery of these general notices, the FCC waived the consent requirement pursuant to their discretion under the E-Sign Act.
e-sign act
Staving Off Scrapers of User-Generated Content with Electronic Copyright Transfers… A Legal (But, Perhaps Not a Practical) Solution
By Jeffrey Neuburger on
It’s a problem that has vexed website owners since the days of the dot-com boom – how to make certain user-generated content available to users or subscribers, but also prevent competitors and other unauthorized parties from scraping, linking to or otherwise accessing that content for their own commercial purposes.